In Statistics, an abrupt variation in time series data. In Surveying, a survey point that marks the changing of level, obtained by measuring backsight and foresight. In Drama, when the tragedy becomes irreconcilable, the plot flips and reveals the way to avoid future calamity. In Storytelling, when the outcome for the protagonist twists to the unexpected; for the listener/reader, when they switch perspective and join the story. At Project Change Point, participants explore change point dynamics in various artistic modalities and go forward with fresh perspectives, new tools, and vibrant collaborations for constructively engaging with environmental, personal, social, and global changes.
A swinging pendulum moves fastest, covers the greatest ground, in the middle of its sweep. When it reaches its apogee and reverses direction it actually stops moving. This metaphor speaks to many troubling situations in our world today. Two political parties are motionless at opposites poles and governance stalls. The subject of climate change might lead one person to abject denialism and another to immobilizing anxiety.
Many in journalism, education, politics, and the environment have lost their ability to move like the pendulum, to engage in plot change, to sometimes compromise and other times invent radical new solutions. The time to move the pendulum is now, but not simply swing between stagnant poles, to be in the Change Point, where stories flip and humanity evolves. |